Monday 16 November 2009

participation also in the library

interactive art has evolved out of participation in earlier art movements

Friday 13 November 2009

Golan Levin

a comparison of his earlier artworks with a more recent one would be a great way to highlight the development of media art and interactivity. from gallery based physical interactions seen in 'audiovisual entertainment suite' to the purely digital format of 'the dumpster'.

i particularly like the way you can see the history and development of media art and interactivity within his own work

Software as art

Tuesday 10 November 2009

some interesting essays on Golan Levin's site flong

In what ways has interactivity challenged the role of the audience in the work of Golan Levin?

Sunday 8 November 2009

'interactivity is a new form of visual experience. In fact, it is a new form of experience which extends beyond the visual to the tactile. Viewers are essentially active participants in this art. No longer mere viewers they are users.' (rush,1999:216)

'the advent of digital art, an art so beyond materiality that discussions of the 'object', much less the canvas, seem hopelessly dated... spaceless, timeless, imageless experiences have entered the domain of art' (rush,1999:201)

history of digital and computer art (new media) in military defense (rush,1999:172)

Saturday 7 November 2009

'digital technologies and interactive media have challenged the traditional notions of the artwork, audience, and artist.' (Paul, 2003:21)
another great quote on page 11 which talks about dada, fluxus and conceptual art and its relationship to digital art. she argues that audience participation, instruction and process are a common feature in these art movements.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

brainstorm around the 3 main terms in my question

user generated
interactive - fluxus (events, happenings) - viewers given instructions, duchamp & man ray 'rotary glass plates', sol lewitt
'the artists idea as the machine which makes the work' (Manovich, 2001:235)
blogs, wikis, forums
participation, collaboration - furtherfield
history - conceptual art, net art

some artists to look up in relation to history of interactive art.. ken feingold, perry hoberman (machines and media), karl sims (more generative than interactive but interesting), jeffrey shaw, masaki fujihata (sophisticated interactive network installations), bernd lintermann,
Torsten Belschner (ineractive sound installations).
Bill seaman (interactive text/photos) 'passage set..'
artists that involve the viewer in very heightened ways such as Paul Garrin's 'white devil' which places the viewer in a virtual neighourhood.

media art net

artworks like dumpster
visualizing data - ben fry, casey reas, golan levin, alex dragulescu

new media
interactive - interactions that have meaning
'interactive artists positively encourage viewers to create their own narratives or associations with their interactive works' (rush, 1999:201)
history - old media, big media, one-to-many
user generated data, interactivity or user participation?
look at history and development of such ideas in other artworks/ movements (conceptual art etc)

if i was to stick with user generated data, interactivity would still play a big part in the discussion.. without interactive media there would be no user generated data (at least in the modern sense of the word).

citizen journalism
7/7 bombings
gaza conflict

media art
golan levin - dumpster
alex dragulescu - blogbot, spam plants

Tuesday 3 November 2009

i have started my research into user generated data but finding it hard as it is such a loose/meaningless term/concept. perhaps the question would be better like so..

In what ways has (user generated data) interactivity come to define new media (art)?

Monday 2 November 2009

some bits to read..

new media art
'Art against information' whitelaw
'Social data browsing' Manovich
'Anti sublime ideal in art' Manovich
'Language of new media' Manovich

Citizen journalism
'online journalism' Campbell
'online news' Allen